Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Painting the Mast

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wingssail images-fredrick roswold
Cold day for sanding

Getting Started

Judy Sanding


Primer goes on


Wet Sanding

Spraying the top coat

Finished Painting


Orange Peel Finish

Good Spot, not perfect

Uneven application

Now we have to do more sanding to fix the finish. We had to do this back in 1993 too. I think we remember how.

Finished & re-assembled

Now we've refinished the mast, boom, & spin pole and we've re-assembled it all. At this point the rig is ready to go back into the boat only the boat is not ready for the rig.

We have to finish the work on the keel bolt backing plates (which live under the mast step) before we can put the mast back in. This may as much as one more weeks work.

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